ACRN Profile – How to Prepare and Submit

Submitting your profile on the ACRN website is easy and it’s the first step to connecting you with a broader community and showcasing you and your business.


(4 easy steps)…



Go to the ACRN website and Login:


Step-2:  In the main menu, go to the “MEMBERS” tab, and select [HOMEBASE]




At the top of the [HOMEBASE] page, select SUBMIT YOUR PROFILE
(This will take you to the Profile Submission Form)


Step-4:  Submit your information


In the Profile Submission Form, begin by entering your basic information.

You can Copy/Paste from your LInkedIn profile (boring, yawn) OR answer our suggested questions and we’ll help bring out the best in you.

This step ensures that potential clients and collaborators can easily find and reach out to you. Next, you’ll provide more detailed information about your services, experience, and any other

Enter a few details about yourself:

    • Your Name
    • Your email
    • Your Title
    • The name of your business/organization
    • Your bio
    • Answer a few more questions about you
    • Upload your profile photo

And that’s about it!



    You can also preview the questions ahead of time by downloading this PDF.