John Brodt

ACRN member since: July 7, 2024


John Brodt

Senior Vice President
Behan Communications, Inc.

SKU: ACRN-9000036-003 Categories: , ,


John Brodt

John Brodt joined Behan Communications in 1990 and leads the firm’s Corporate Communications Practice. His experience includes developing, managing and implementing strategic, results-oriented community, employee and customer communications programs incorporating traditional, social and earned media; video production; and special events. He has also counseled clients on a wide variety of challenging reputational issues and in times of crisis.

Over his 25-plus-year career, John has worked closely with clients in the health care, manufacturing, higher education, financial and local government sectors. In 2013, he led a statewide education and advocacy campaign that earned Behan Communications the prestigious Silver Anvil award by the Public Relations Society of America

John holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Utica College and an associate’s degree in liberal arts from SUNY Adirondack. He is a member of the board of directors of Fort Hudson Health System.

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John Brodt


Senior Vice President



SKU: ACRN-9000036-003 Categories: , ,

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